Thursday, September 25, 2008

I miss Mum

Today is my fourth wedding anniversary. It was eight years ago on roughly this day that my wife and I, then just "cyber-friends", first expressed our true feelings for each other.

As I got to know my wife and her family, I found out that her mother had recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. I drew the picture/cartoon here for her to show my support.

My wife's mom, my mother-in-law (or just plain old "Mum" as we all called her) was very supportive of my relationship with my wife and was totally instrumental in arranging our marriage.

We lost mum a few weeks ago (9/1/08) to the cancer. For whatever reason, even though this is the day I married my wife (whom I absolutely adore), I can't help but think of Mum this year. I miss her a lot.

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